5 minutes with mountain biker George Brannigan

We sat down with pro-rider George Brannigan to chat about his favourite local bike trails, why Queenstown is an epic mountain bike destination and what advice he would give to those who want to progress in the sport.

Tell us about yourself
My name is George Brannigan, originally from Hawkes Bay but now a Queenstown local, and I'm a professional mountain biker.

What are your favourite Queenstown trails?
My three favourite trails would have to be Coronet Downhill, Dream Track and Skyline Bubba Downhill. They are a bit of a mix, but are made so well and all of them ride amazingly!

What do you love about the Coronet Downhill?
I have two favourite things about the Coronet Downhill.  First is the dirt – it’s unbeatable in my opinion. And secondly, the trail uses the mountain’s terrain so well. It flows naturally and is really fun to ride.

What makes Queenstown such a great mountain biking destination?
I think Queenstown is a sick mountain biking destination because we have the right terrain and big mountains. There are so many options here to make good tracks. The sport is really picking up momentum here and we have developed a great community of riders. I think in ten years’ time it’s going to be crazy with the number of mountain biking options we will have here.

What’s your advice to young riders?
Firstly, I would tell you to pursue mountain biking because you enjoy riding, not because you want to be flashy or get likes on social media - that will only take you so far. Next, stay committed if you want to go somewhere with your riding. It's really worth it if you can do it as a living. And third, be yourself! Focus on what types of riding you really enjoy and work hard at being the best at it.